Preparing for Morning Outdoor Adventures in the Summer
For millions of us, summer opens up a world of outdoor adventures. The return of the summer sun means it’s time again for fishing, hiking, boating, or anything else that the rising mercury makes possible. That rising temperature, however, can be a bit of a double-edged sword. A summer day can go from beautiful to uncomfortably hot very quickly. Instead of facing the midday heat, head to your favorite fishing hole, beach, or lakeside in the morning. An early start can make for a far more comfortable adventure. With a little preparation, planning, and an investment in performance fishing shirts , it’s a great way to start the day. Fishing Shirts Prepare the Night Before Particularly when it’s not yet a habit, getting up early can be challenging. It helps to ensure you’ve gotten fully prepared the night before. Lay out whatever clothes and gear you’ll be wearing and bringing. Be sure the timer on the coffeemaker is set, and you’ve got your breakfast, snacks, and your hydrating d...